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Research Publications


HOXA1 gene variants influence head growth rates in humans

Muscarella LA, Guarnieri V, Sacco R, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Trillo S, Schneider C, Melmed R, Elia M, Mascia ML, Rucci E, Piemontese MR, D'Agruma L, Persico AM
Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2007 Apr 5;144(3):388-90.

Case-control and family-based association studies of candidate genes in autistic disorder and its endophenotypes: TPH2 and GLO1

MSacco R, Papaleo V, Hager J, Rousseau F, Moessner R, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Trillo S, Schneider C, Melmed R, Elia M, Curatolo P, Manzi B, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Reichelt KL, Persico AM
BMC Med Genet. 2007 Mar 8;8:11.

A genetic variant that disrupts MET transcription is associated with autism

Campbell DB, Sutcliffe JS, Ebert PJ, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Trillo S, Elia M, Schneider C, Melmed R, Sacco R, Persico AM, Levitt P.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Nov 7;103(45):16834-9. Epub 2006 Oct 19.

Oral human immunoglobulin for children with autism and gastrointestinal dysfunction: a prospective, open-label study.

Schneider CK, Melmed RD, Barstow LE, Enriquez FJ, Ranger-Moore J, Ostrem JA
J Autism Dev Disord. 2006 Nov;36(8):1053-64.

Paraoxonase gene variants are associated with autism in North America, but not in Italy: possible regional specificity in gene-environment interactions

D'Amelio M, Ricci I, Sacco R, Liu X, D'Agruma L, Muscarella LA, Guarnieri V, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Elia M, Schneider C, Melmed R, Trillo S, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Reichelt KL, Macciardi F, Holden JJ, Persico AM
Mol Psychiatry. 2005 Nov;10(11):1006-16.

Association between the HOXA1 A218G polymorphism and increased head circumference in patients with autism.

Conciatori M, Stodgell CJ, Hyman SL, O'Bara M, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Trillo S, Montecchi F, Schneider C, Melmed R, Elia M, Crawford L, Spence SJ, Muscarella L, Guarnieri V, D'Agruma L, Quattrone A, Zelante L, Rabinowitz D, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Reichelt KL, Rodier PM, Persico AM
Biol Psychiatry. 2004 Feb 15;55(4):413-9

Enhanced APOE2 transmission rates in families with autistic probands.

Persico AM, D'Agruma L, Zelante L, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Schneider C, Melmed R, Trillo S, Montecchi F, Elia M, Palermo M, Rabinowitz D, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Reichelt KL, Muscarella L, Guarnieri V, Melgari JM, Conciatori M, Keller F
Psychiatr Genet. 2004 Jun;14(2):73-82.

Serotonin transporter gene promoter variants do not explain the hyperserotoninemia in autistic children.

Persico AM, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Schneider C, Melmed R, Trillo S, Montecchi F, Palermo M, Rabinowitz D, Reichelt KL, Conciatori M, Marino R, Keller F
Mol Psychiatry. 2002;7(7):795-800.

Reelin gene alleles and haplotypes as a factor predisposing to autistic disorder.

Persico AM, D'Agruma L, Maiorano N, Totaro A, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Wassink TH, Schneider C, Melmed R, Trillo S, Montecchi F, Palermo M, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Reichelt KL, Conciatori M, Marino R, Quattrocchi CC, Baldi A, Zelante L, Gasparini P, Keller F; Collaborative Linkage Study of Autism
Mol Psychiatry. 2001 Mar;6(2):150-9.

Adenosine deaminase alleles and autistic disorder: case-control and family-based association studies.

Persico AM, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Schneider C, Melmed R, Trillo S, Montecchi F, Palermo MT, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Reichelt KL, Conciatori M, Baldi A, Keller F
Am J Med Genet. 2000 Dec 4;96(6):784-90.

Lack of association between serotonin transporter gene promoter variants and autistic disorder in two ethnically distinct samples.

Persico AM, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Schneider C, Melmed R, Conciatori M, Damiani V, Baldi A, Keller F.
Am J Med Genet. 2000 Feb 7;96(1):123-7.

Developmental Pediatric Approaches to Autistic Disorders: Experience and Reason

Melmed R
Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, 8:99-111, 2004

The Unhappy Wanderer - Children with Attentional Deficits

Levine M and Melmed R
Pediatric Clinics of North America, 29:105, 1982

Abstracts and Talks:

Change in Parental Depression and Empowerment Associated with the SARRC JumpStartTM Program

Brautigam S, Stephens S, Ober-Reynolds S, Bay C, Kirwan J, Jones J, McIntosh R, Treulich K, Grebe T, and Melmed R
International Meeting For Autism Research, Seattle, WA, May 2007

The Impact of Family History of ADHD and/or Bipolar Disorder on Severity of Autism In Multiplex and Singleton Families

Melmed R, Ober-Reynolds S, Bay C, Kirwan J, Jones J, Brautigam S, Kirwan J, Stephens S, Grebe T
International Meeting For Autism Research, Seattle, WA, May 2007

Prevalence of Psychiatric and Learning Disorders in Multiplex, Only-child, Singleton, and Control Families

Ober-Reynolds S, Melmed R, Bay C, Kirwan J, Jones J, Brautigam S, Kirwan J, Stephens S, Grebe T
International Meeting For Autism Research, Seattle, WA, May 2007

Autism and the Occurrence of Subthrombic Activation of Coagulation

Harrison H, Melmed R, Grebe T, Stephens S, Ober-Reynolds S, Kirwan J, Berg D, Berg L, Stephan D
International Meeting For Autism Research, Montreal, Canada, May 2006

Core Symptoms of Autism Change with Age

Stephens S, Bay C, Ober-Reynolds S, Kirwan, Jones J, Grebe T, Melmed R
International Meeting For Autism Research, Montreal, Canada, May 2006

Physical Findings in Autistic Disorder

Grebe T¸ Ober-Reynolds S, Stephens S, Bay C, Kirwan J, Jones J, Melmed R
International Meeting For Autism Research, Montreal, Canada, May 2006

Regression in Autistic Disorder: Parent Perception and Clinical Assessment

Melmed R, Ober-Reynolds S, Stephens S , Bay C, Kirwan J, Jones J, Grebe T
International Meeting For Autism Research, Montreal, Canada, May 2006

Physicians' Outreach Program: Autistic Disorders Screening Kits

Melmed R
Southwest Institute, Sedona, Arizona, January 2005

SARRC Questionnaire Discriminates between Children with Autism, Non-Sibling Controls and Siblings

Stephens-Groff S, Bay C, Melmed R
International Meeting For Autism Research, Sacramento, CA, May 2004

Square Pegs in Round Holes: Asperger's Syndrome in the School Aged Child

Melmed R
American Academy of Pediatrics Section on School Health Newsletter, Elk Grove Village, IL, 2004

Asperger's Syndrome in Children

Melmed RD
AAP National Meeting, 2004

Physicians' Outreach Program: Autistic Disorders Screening Kit

Melmed R
American Academy of Cerebral Palsy Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, September 2003

Romantic Attachment Style and Psychological Adjustment in Mother of Children with Autism: The Mediating Role of Perceived Social Support

Anders M
International Association for Relationship Research New Scholars Workshop, Tempe, AZ, June 2003

Hispanic and Caucasian Children with Autism: Differences in Maladaptive Functioning and Intervention Experience

Anders M, Buchanan A, Roush E, Fabes R
Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference, Tampa, FL, April 2003

Children with Autism and Family Adjustment: The Role of Parental Empowerment

Buchanan A, Anders M, Burrell G, Roush E, Fabes R
Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference, Tampa, FL, April 2003

Gammaglobulin treatment of gastrointestinal symptoms in children with autism

Schneider C, Melmed R., Ostrem J., Enriquez F., Barstow L
International Meeting For Autism Research, Orlando, FL, November 2002

Genetic analysis of the Paraoxonase Gene Cluster in Autistic Disorder

Conciatori M, Agruma L, Zelante L, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Schneider C, Melmed, Gasparini P R, Trillo S, Montecchi F, Palermo M, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Reichelt K, Marino T, Quattrocchi C, Persico A
International Meeting For Autism Research, Orlando, FL, November 2002

Age and number of doses are determinants of the response to secretin in young children with autism

Herlihy W, and the Secretin Phase 2 Clinical Trial Group
International Meeting For Autism Research, Orlando, FL,November 2002

The Relationship of Accumulated Risk Factors to Severity and onset of Autism

Rhodes M, Buchanan A, Phillips J, Schneider C, Melmed RD, Fabes R, Martin C
Society For Research in Child Development, April 2001

A Comparison of Children with Autism in Multiple Versus Single-Incidence Families

Phillips J, Buchanan A, Schneider C, Melmed RD, Fabes R, Martin C
Society For Research in Child Development, April 2001

Drug Development in Autism: Learning from a Phase I/II Clinical Trial with Synthetic Human Secretin

Rioux P, Rusche J, Horvath K, Perrault J, Chey W, Melmed R, Schneider C, Hansen R, Herlihy W, and the Secretin Clinical Trial Group
International Meeting For Autism Research, San Diego, CA, November 2001

Characterization of Gastrointestinal Dysfunction in Autistic Children

Perrault J, Horvath K, Chey W, Melmed R, Schneider C, Hansen R, Rioux P Rusche J, Herlihy W, and the Secretin Clinical Trial Group
International Meeting For Autism Research, San Diego, CA, November 2001

Effects of Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation on Children with Autism

Adams J, Holloway L, Fabes R, Dinella L, Johnston C, Schneider C, Melmed R
International Meeting For Autism Research, San Diego, CA, November 2001

The Reelin Pathway and Autistic Disorder

Persico A, Agruma L, Zelante L, Gasparini P Totaro A, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Wassink T, Schneider C, Melmed, R, Trillo S, Montecchi F, Palermo M, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Reichelt K, Conciatori M, Marino T, Quattrocchi C, and Keller F
International Meeting For Autism Research, San Diego, CA, November 2001

Sex Differences in Risk, Behavioral Functioning, and Severity of Autism

Buchanan A, Anders M, Phillips J, Schneider C
American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 2001

Bridging the Gap: Physicians Attitudes and Immunizations

Melmed, R
Arizona Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, September, 2000

Books and Other Publications:

Medical Care for Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Melmed R, Munir K, and Tanguay, P
Chapter 23 Mental Health and Behavior

Animal Assisted Therapy in Camps for Children with Autism

Melmed R., Resnik D., Schneider C.
Autism Digest, May 2001

Succeeding with Difficult Children, A Multimedia Program

C. Nicholls and R. Melmed
Thisisit Publications, 1996